3327 - Kit for CARD to assemble, the icebreaker Stettin launched in 1933 by HMV, scale 1: 250.
In our website you will find also detailed parts of this model.
This icebreaker was built in 1933 as the largest German icebreaker of that era. Its area of operation was the Oder River and the lagoon nearby; after the war Stettin was stationed in Hamburg and remained in service until 1981. The following year he was recognized as a cultural and technical monument since then to take care of its maintenance is the association "Förderverein Eisbrecher Stettin eV". Currently the Stettin became a museum ship.
Scale: 1: 250
Designer: Peter Brandt
difficulty: difficult
parts: 402 (with alternate parts: 635)
Length: 208 mm
Width: 54 mm
Instruction: German and English with Photo Instructions
Format: DIN A4
sheets: 3
Item number: 3327
Edition: 1st Edition 2011