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35 turns crawler/scaler open endbell motor by Ruddog

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RP-0270 - Ruddog open endbell 35-turns 540-class brushed motor, designed especially for R/C rock crawlers, scalers and trucks. Easily equip or upgrade your crawlers of any brand for more low-end torque and slower wheel speed while crawling. This motor has ball bearings, removable brushes and springs, removable and rectifiable rotor, stronger magnets. Doesn't need expensive ESCs to work !

Turns: 35T
Rotor: 3-Slot
Compatibility: 2-3S LiPo / 6-9 cells NiMH
Size: 35.75x53mm (+4mm length for the ball bearing)
RPMs: 12.800rpm @7.4V

Weight: 165g

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